About Freedom Law School and the founder Peymon Mottahedeh

Peymon Mottahedeh, Founder and President of Freedom Law School, was born into a Jewish family in Iran. From the ages of 6 to 14, Peymon learned about the politics of the East vs. West (America vs. Soviet Union), the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Iranian politics from his father. During this time, he learned about the Shah's secret service, which had the power to arrest and detain anyone indefinitely, subject them to torture, and sentence them without a fair trial. Peymon then immigrated to the USA in 1977 at the age of 14, hoping to come to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Unfortunately, he found that the United States was anything but a beacon of freedom.

While attending the University of Long Beach in California, Peymon took classes in economics and finance, and ultimately graduated with a degree in Business/Marketing because he wanted to understand the workings of the business and financial world. In his first economics class, he came to the realization that the Federal Reserve system is a fraudulent scheme that generates money out of thin air. From 1983 to 1990, during and after his university years, Peymon worked in the mortgage industry for six months and then became a financial planner for seven years.

Peymon realized that he was a libertarian, and in 1989, when he became a US citizen, he registered and became an active member of the Libertarian party. In 1992, he discovered that the Income Tax system was a massive scam and learned from patriots about the New World Order Conspiracy and the fraudulent, privately-owned Federal Reserve Banking System. Since 1992, he has not filed any 1040 income tax returns or paid any federal income or payroll taxes.

Peymon is devoted to educating and assisting Americans in their fight for rights and freedom. He is particularly passionate about providing people with knowledge on how to reclaim their independence from the IRS's robbery and deceit.

Peymon in the Newspapers (1995-2004)

FIJA (1995)

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The Orange County Register (1996)

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The San Francisco Chronicle (1996)

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The Tustin News (1998)

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American Free Press (2001)

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Peymon founded Freedom Law School (FLS) in 1996, which has become the most successful tax truth and honesty organization since World War II. FLS has been exposing the fact that 99% of Americans are not required to pay any federal income or payroll taxes.

Peymon and Freedom Law School have helped their students defeat the IRS in the US Tax Court and eliminate illegal tax claims. See our victories here.

Peymon has been a featured speaker at numerous events, including the Red Pill Expo and Anarchapulco, as well as Freedom Law School's Freedom Rallies, which were held from 1999 to 2014, 2021 and 2022. These events have featured renowned freedom advocates, including former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul and G. Edward Griffin, the author of "The Creature From Jekyll Island - A Second Look At The Federal Reserve System."

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Interested in the history of our success?

Click the link below to be taken to our many victories and student testimonials!


Below, you will find our three-part series that was recorded during our weekly Freedom Hour, where Peymon, the founder of Freedom Law School, does a deep dive into over 20 years of history. In these videos, you will learn about the humble beginnings, as well as the studious victories that Freedom Law School has won over the years.

Part 1 - Peymon's Background and his involvement in the Freedom Law Movement
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4